Instructional Design and Development Certificate



The Instructional Design and Development (IDD) Certificate is a 15 credit hour program. These courses may be taken in any order. The IDD Certificate courses are as follows:

IDD Required Core Courses

ISD 613 – Instructional Learning Strategies
ISD 621 – Instructional Design
ISD 622 – Advanced Instructional Design
ISD 642 – Project Coordination
ISD 653 – Developing Online Instruction

Instructional Design and Development Course of Study

Who can apply?

  • Current IDD master's and doctoral students may complete the certificate program while working on their degree program. (Students must notify the COE Graduate Studies Office of the intent to pursue this certificate.)
    • When degree program is complete and IDD certificate courses are complete, the IDD certificate notation will be added to the transcript. 
  • Students who would like to pursue the IDD certificate independent of a degree program can make application through the Office of Admissions.  Interested Individuals will need to have a bachelor's degree. 
    • When courses are complete, the IDD certificate notation will be added to the transcript.

How to Apply to the IDD Certificate Program

If you are not a currently enrolled student in a graduate program (master’s or doctorate), then you will need to apply for admission to one of the certificate programs.

▼   Admission Requirements
  1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

    Official transcripts* can be sent by mail or electronically. Instructions can be found under “Help” on the application.

    *USA students applying to a USA graduate program in the College of Education and Professional Studies should complete a transcript request form (PDF) found on the University Registrar's Office website.

    In the Name/Organization field for the transcript recipient write, "USA Graduate School". There is no charge associated with this request. This option applies only to USA transcripts for students applying to USA graduate programs.


  1. GPA Requirement: A minimum overall grade-point-average (GPA) of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale based on the GPA used as the basis for granting the degree and posted on the official transcript from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree was earned OR a 2.5 GPA on the last 60 semester hours of undergraduate course work posted on the official transcript from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree was earned.

    GPA Exception: Individuals who have earned a bachelor 's degree from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree was earned and who do not have a qualifying GPA for admission may seek admission based on a qualifying score of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Miller Analogies Test (MAT). For the GRE, this standard is defined as having a score at the 50th percentile on all of the following subtests: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. For the Miller Analogies Test, students must have a score at or above the 50th percentile based on the total group percentile rank score. For Alternative Class A programs, applicants must submit a qualifying alternate score on the Alabama-prescribed Praxis subject-area test.

  2. Two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s academic and/or professional abilities (submitted through online WebAdmit portal).

  3. Personal statement on applicant's career goals and purpose for graduate study (Upload document within application through WebAdmit portal).

  4. A professional curriculum vitae or resume (submitted through the WebAdmit online portal).


To apply - click here to get to the Admissions login page.

▼   Advising by an IDD Faculty
Once admitted to a certificate program, an academic advisor will be appointed to monitor your progress toward completion of the certification requirements.
▼   Progress and Requirements for Certificate Programs
  • A certificate faculty advisor will be appointed upon admission to the program. Additionally, a Certificate Committee would be established to monitor the progress of students on a semester-by-semester basis.
  • Satisfactory student progress will be a minimum GPA of 3.0 on all certificate program courses and all work attempted is required. A maximum of two Cs can be counted. No grades of D or F may be counted. If a third C or any grade below a third C is earned, the student will be dismissed from the program.
▼   Moving to the Master's Degree program

Individuals in a certificate program may decide to continue studies within a degree program. Having been admitted as a student in a designated certificate program, the individual will need to reapply for the IDD master' program. Upon acceptance, the student will then be enrolled in the master’s degree program and the certificate courses that were successfully completed will apply towards the degree requirements.

The USA Bulletin provides more information on application and admission policy for the IDD certificate program.

▼   For More Information Contact

Instructional Design & Development Program
College of Education and Professional Studies
UCOM 3800
Ph: (251) 380-2861
Fax: (251) 380-2713