Top COM Telephone Numbers | College of Medicine

Top COM Telephone Numbers

Phone Numbers
Student Health (Ms. Tina Westry) = (251) 460-7151
Counseling Services (Dr. Becky Smith) = (251) 460-7051
Dean of Students Office, Campus (Dr. Kelly P. Roveda) = (251) 460-7174
Dean of Students Office, Mastin (Ms. Karen Braswell) = (251) 471-7145
Student Records Office (Mr. Frank Lucas) = (251) 460-7180
Financial Aid (Ms. Stephanie Roote) = (251) 460-7918
Curriculum Office (Ms. Ashley Givens) = (251) 461-1413


Dr. Ron Balczon = (251) 460-6776

Dr. Lynn Batten = (251) 434-3432

Dr. Sarah Sayner = (251) 460-6959

Dr. Jon Simmons = (251) 471-7971

Patient Safety Hot-Line = (251) 461-1529
USA Campus Police = (251) 460-6312
Emergency = 511