Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Laboratories

The USA Flow Cytometry Shared Resources Laboratories (FCSRLs) within the USA College of Medicine are located in the Medical Sciences Building (MSB) and the Mitchell Cancer Institute (MCI). They serve as a college-wide resource providing cell counting and cell sorting services to researchers on a subsidized fee-for-service basis via BD FACSAria and FACSCanto II instruments, as well as a Microfluidic Cell Sorter. The core labs also house other instruments available on a shared basis, including a Nexcelom CeligoS microplate based imaging cytometer, Agilent Seahorse XFe24 Analyzer and a ZetaView® TWIN - NTA Nanoparticle Tracking Analyzer.
The director, Dr. Robert Barrington, has over 20 years of experience in flow cytometry and each lab is staffed by a full-time manager, Dr. Domenic Spadafora at the MSB and Steve McClellan at the MCI.