Project Management

Policies & Procedures
Agency Prior Approval is the written permission required by the authorized agency official before the Principal Investigator may change certain grant activities such as scope of work modifications, significant budget modifications, changes in PI, etc. Prior approval is covered in Section 200.407 in 2 CFR Part 200 of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements. (read more on Policies & Procedures)
Proposal Routing
The Electronic Research Administration System (Cayuse) documents the understanding among the Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigators and his/her Department Chair, Dean, and University Officials of the expected allocation of institutional resources and the terms and conditions of the anticipated grant/contract award. It is the obligation of the Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigators to ensure all entries on the University Transmittal Form are completed and are accurate. (read more on Proposal Routing)
PI Responsibilities
The Principal Investigator/Project Director is responsible for the programmatic management of the grant or contract and conducts the project activities to meet project goals and objectives while adhering to agency guidelines and University of South Alabama policies and procedures. (read more on PI Responsibilities)
Institutional Information
The University is tax exempt in its capacity as a 501 [c] 3 not-for-profit educational institution. Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 63-0477348. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) assigned by Dun & Bradstreet for credit rating purposes is 172750234. (read more Institutional Information)
Project Closeout
The University has an obligation to sponsors to bring funded projects to an orderly close and to submit necessary technical and final reports. The required procedures may vary, depending on the policies of the sponsoring agency. (read more on Project Closeout)