Fort de Chartres III

For more information, link to Fort de Chartres. To read about Fort de Chartres and other sites of interest in French Illinois, see:
French Colonial Archaeology: The Illinois Country and the Western Great Lakes, edited by John A. Walthall (University of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1991).
Excavations at the Laurens Site: Probable Location of Fort de Chartres I, by Edward B. Jelks, Carl J. Ekberg, and Terrance J. Martin. Studies in Illinois Archaeology 5 (Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield, 1989).
Eighteenth-Century Ceramics from Fort de Chartres III, by Vergil E. Noble, Jr., Illinois Archaeology 9(1997, 1-2):36-78.
Kaskaskia Under the French Regime, by Natalia M. Belting, Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences 29(3).
Archaeology at French Colonial Cahokia, by Bonnie L. Gums. Studies in Illinois Archaeology 3, (Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, Springfield, 1988).