Resources for Music Education Majors
Fingerprinting (Freshman Year)
All music education majors (instrumental and vocal) must complete the fingerprinting process by the end of their freshman year. Please read the information carefully to complete your fingerprinting:
® Fingerprinting Instructions
You will need the following to complete the fingerprinting registration process successfully:
• A computer, tablet, or smartphone with internet access
• A valid email account
• Established AIM account
• ALSDE ID# (see below)
• Fee of $46.20 paid by debit card, credit card, or PayPal Account (Prepaid debit
cards or credit
cards are acceptable)
• Ability to provide your commonly known personal information (SSN, DOB, DL#, Height,
Weight, etc.)
Be sure to follow the required sequence below. If you do not, you will not be able
to complete the process
Step 1: Create an AIM Account by visiting the ALSDE Identity Management website at
and select “Need an account?”. Follow the prompts to complete your AIM account. Note:
Existing AIM users
should simply log into AIM by entering your ALSDE ID# or email address and password.
After your AIM account
is created, you will be taken to their home page. Note: Be sure to make note of your
ALSDE ID#. This will be
needed to complete registration with Fieldprint.
Step 2: Complete the Background Check Registration in AIM by clicking on “Fieldprint Background
Click on the “Set” button under Educator Certification and Criminal History Background
Checks. Follow the
prompts to complete the Background Check Registration. Once your Fieldprint Background
Registration is complete you will be taken to their home page.
Step 3: Create a Fieldprint Account. New users will click on “Sign Up” to schedule a fingerprinting
Follow the prompts to complete your Fieldprint Account. Once your Fieldprint Account
is created, you will be
returned to the Login screen. Select “Log In” to continue.
Step 4: Complete Fieldprint Authorization forms, schedule appointment, and fee payment. Log
In to your
Fieldprint account. Follow prompts to schedule a fingerprint appointment and send
payment for $46.20. Be
sure to select the Alabama State Department of Education as your designated agency
for fingerprint
submission. Note: Email confirmation of the appointment will be sent. The email will
include a list of approved
forms of identification that must be presented during your fingerprint appointment.
Step 5: Report for fingerprint appointment. Be sure to review what to bring to your appointment
as well as
procedures for canceling an appointment, if needed. If you decide to reschedule your
appointment, return to and log in as an existing user, and click on the Reschedule button to make a
new appointment.
Step 6: After your fingerprints are scanned, your background check results will be available
in 2-3 days. Results
can be viewed and/or printed on the Alabama State Department of Education Tcert portal:
Important Notes
• For questions or problems regarding online registration, call Fieldprint at 1-866-989-9316.
• For questions regarding your results, contact the Alabama State Department of Education,
Teacher Education and Certification office at (334) 694-4557.
Professional Liability Insurance (Sophomore Year)
Students in teacher certification programs are required to maintain student professional liability insurance coverage. The Alabama Education Association (AEA) will pay for your coverage if you enroll by clicking on this link: Select “Click Here To Join Now”. Membership will be active from the date you join until graduation. Once you have enrolled, you will receive an email confirmation of your membership and coverage in the professional liability insurance program. Please forward the email confirmation you receive from AEA to
Application for Candidacy (Sophomore Year)
Students who are on-schedule in their degree program should apply for candidacy during the spring of their sophomore year. Please check with your Department of Music advisor regularly to make sure you are on-schedule to receive candidacy by the end of your sophomore year.
Application to Complete Field Experience Observation (Junior/Senior Year)
Students enrolled in MUE 444 or MUE 455 are required to complete field experience within the local school systems. This is coordinated through the College of Education each semester. In order to be placed for field experience you must visit the link below and fill out the required form:
MUE 444 Field Experience Observation (Fall 2023)
MUE 455 Field Experience Observation (Spring 2024)
Application to Student Teach (Senior Year)
Student teaching is the capstone experience for any music education major. You are required to apply to be able to student teach. The deadline for Fall 2023 student teachers has passed. In order to be considered for a student teaching placement you must visit the link below and fill out the required form:
Student Teaching Application (FALL 2023)
Praxis® Music Content Knowledge Exam Information (Junior Year or Senior Year Fall Semester)
All students must pass the Praxis® "Music Content Knowledge" Exam (Test Code 5113) prior to their student teaching semester. Students must score a minimum of 161 on the Music Content Knowledge Exam in order to complete their degree requirements and the ALSDE requirements for teacher certification in Music Education (Choral or Instrumental P-12). Students who do not have a passing Praxis® score will NOT be allowed to student teach and will have their graduation delayed.
- Music Education students can read more about the Praxis exams by downloading the Praxis® Information Bulletin.
- Music Education students can read more about Alabama ALSDE teaching certification requirements by downloading Manual B of the Alabama Educator Assessment Policies
- To register for the Praxis® Music Content Knowledge Exam please visit the ETS Praxis® website
- Practice exams are available for purchase through the Praxis® website.