Frequently Asked Questions
An employee is to be paid at 1.5 their normal hourly rate for any hours ACTUALLY WORKED over 40 hours per week (use earning code OVT). An employee who has over 40 hours of paid time, but not over 40 hours of work time, should be paid overtime, but at their normal hourly rate (use earnings code OTR). For example:
Situation #1: Jane Doe works 45 hours during the Sunday to Saturday work week. She should have
40 hours coded as regular pay (earnings code (REG)and 5 hours coded as overtime (earnings
code OVT).
Situation #2: John Doe works 38 hours during the Sunday to Saturday work week, and takes 8 hours
vacation. He should have 32 hours coded as regular pay (earnings code REG), 8 hours
coded as vacation pay (earnings code 170), and 6 hours coded as overtime at regular
rate of pay (earnings coded OTR).