Frequently Asked Questions
General COI Disclosure Questions
Public companies, like Wal-Mart, Ford and Coca-Cola, are those that sell stock to investors. They are required to submit information to the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), so they typically have more information available to researchers. Public companies are required to provide detailed financial statements and annual reports to stakeholders. You'll also find a lot of information from news organizations, investment analysts, market research firms, and publishing companies. Public company stock is openly traded, often on one of the large American stock exchanges (NASDAQ, NYSE). So, if you can identify a stock ticker symbol, the company is public.
A searchable database of public companies is available here
Private companies, which do not sell stock to investors, are not required to provide information about their companies to anyone. As a result, they can be more difficult to research. If you find financial information, it is usually an estimate. Estimates are sometimes generated based on the type of industry and number of employees. The estimate could be very wrong! If the private company has competitors that are public, you have a better chance of finding some information on the company. Sometimes, all you will find are contact info and what they do.
Yes. Please contact the Office of Compliance at to set-up training.
Each person’s situation is different. Conflicts are managed on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the unique needs of the individual and the University are met. The supervisor, dean and if applicable, other administrative offices are responsible for managing conflicts of interest. If it is determined that you have a conflict, you may be asked to abide by a Management Plan that will manage, reduce or eliminate the conflict, as needed. Conflict of Interest Management Plan templates are posted on the COI website to aid in the development of such documents.
Each person’s situation is different. Conflicts are managed on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the unique needs of the individual and the University are met. If your department chair or supervisor identifies a Conflict of Commitment between your University duties and your outside activities, they will work with you and the dean of your college, as necessary, to take the appropriate steps to manage it.
COI in Research
Yes. You must review USA’s Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment policy and procedures and complete the applicable training. Please contact
No. You should only submit one disclosure form, update it annually or whenever changes occur. The form includes a section for listing funded research projects.
External activities may not involve the use of University facilities, services, personnel or information without prior University approval and a written agreement between all parties.
Conflict of interest disclosures that may be associated with an actual or potential conflict involving research activities will be reviewed by the Office of Research Compliance and Assurance for compliance with applicable regulations. Determination that a conflict exists will require the PI to work with the Chair and Dean. If a formal management plan is required, review and approval is required by the Office of Research and Economic Development.
Email one of the following with any questions you may have:
Chris Hansen, Office of Compliance (general questions)
Dusty Layton, Exec Dir, Office of Research Compliance & Assurance (research-related)
Dr. Harold Pardue, Dean, Graduate School (faculty-related)